Daedalus Class Science Vessel

Marmoset viewer export of the model

Dual-monitor wallpaper featuring orthographic views of the model

Dual-monitor wallpaper featuring orthographic views of the model

Star Trek Online in-game screenshot

Star Trek Online in-game screenshot

Star Trek Online in-game screenshot

Star Trek Online in-game screenshot

Star Trek Online in-game screenshot

Star Trek Online in-game screenshot

Material cross-section. Star Trek Online uses a material system where every starship is unwrapped to the same UV template, meaning we build most detail into the geometry and map those parts to appropriate sections on the material template.

Material cross-section. Star Trek Online uses a material system where every starship is unwrapped to the same UV template, meaning we build most detail into the geometry and map those parts to appropriate sections on the material template.

In celebration of Star Trek's 50th anniversary, Star Trek Online released an expansions dedicated to the original series. For this expansion, we created a whole suite of starships inspired by the original Enterprise. This ship is a fan-favorite design implied in canon and based on one of the original concept sketches for the Starship Enterprise.

I was responsible for modeling and unwrapping this ship as well as creating its material.