Marmoset export of the model.
When I learned that we planned on doing a Kobayashi-Maru themed event for Star Trek Online, I jumped at the chance to create one of Star Trek history's most famous ill-fated ships. The only time we've actually *seen* the Kobayashi Maru on screen was in the "Kelvin Timeline" film Star Trek (2009). My goal for this version of the ship was to use that alternate universe design as a starting point, and then re-interpret it through the lense of the so-called "prime timeline" as a starship from the "Wrath of Khan" era.
This model started out as the Miranda class starship, built by Donny Versiga ( From there, I rebuilt the primary hull with an extended shuttle bay and added the cargo "pontoons" on the bottom, similar to the Kelvin Timeline version.
I modeled and unwrapped this ship as well as made the material it is using.